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Enrollment & Tuition

"KinderRead...demonstrated excellent results in (the) developmental progress of our children. Our daughter, Emily, who barely knew the ABC's before she entered the program, can read simple words now.  Our son, Daniel, who is only two and a half years old, is ready to read by himself too. Overall I would give a perfect score to the program."

Enrollment Process

  • Call 952-474-2162 to schedule a Parent & Child Visit.  

  • After your visit, complete required forms and return with deposit.

  • Schedule a Child-Only Visit. These visits are typically two hours in length and scheduled during the morning hours.


During the Parent & Child Visit, you and your child will meet the teachers, collect information sheets, and tour the school. In addition to answering your questions, we find it helpful to discuss the following during your visit:


  • Special diet needs or nap routines

  • Previous Montessori, daycare, school, or group experience

  • Special needs of a medical, physical, mental, emotional, or social nature

  • The daily routine, menu, nap, and outside activities  

  • The basic Montessori philosophy (if you are not familiar with it)

  • Contents of the Parent Contract


During the visit, you will receive an enrollment packet with the following forms. We ask that these forms be completed and returned prior to your child's first day of school.


Important Dates

We observe and are closed during​ the Minnetonka Public Schools winter and spring breaks, and the following holidays:


  • Labor Day

  • Thanksgiving Day & the following Friday

  • Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day 

  • Presidents’ Day

  • Memorial Day 

  • Independence Day


Note: Holidays falling on weekends will be observed the following Monday. 




Monthly Tuition Options & Rates

5-Day Program & Day Care
Hours: 7 AM-6 PM
Preschooler: $845
Toddler: $895


5-Day Program Only
Hours: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM

Preschooler: $795

Toddler: $845


4-Day Program & Day Care
Hours: 7 AM-6 PM
Preschooler: $745
Toddler: $795


4-Day Program Only
Hours: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM

Preschooler: $695

Toddler: $745


Note: We participate in the USDA Food Care Program. We are happy to provide a well-balanced and nutritious morning snack, hot lunch and afternoon snack for each child, and is included in the mostly tuition rates. A wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and milk are available daily. View our sample menu here.


* Toddlers are considered children under the age of 3 or older children who are not yet toilet trained.

*LATCH-KEY space may be available. Please inquire.

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